Discover the Best Way to See Palace of Versailles from Paris

The Palace of Versailles is a timeless masterpiece, and with the best way to see it from Paris, your experience will be nothing short of magical.


As a travel blogger, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting the stunning Palace of Versailles multiple times. Whether you’re a history buff or simply looking to immerse yourself in opulence and grandeur, this attraction is an absolute must-see when visiting Paris. In this article, I’ll be sharing insider knowledge and valuable tips on how to visit the Palace of Versailles from Paris, so you can make the most out of your trip. Get ready to be transported to a bygone era of extravagance and luxury.

Best Way to Reach Palace of Versailles from Paris

As someone who has visited the Palace of Versailles numerous times, I can confidently say that the best way to reach it from Paris is by taking the RER C train. It’s a straightforward journey that takes approximately 45 minutes to an hour, and the train drops you off right at the entrance of the palace. Plus, it’s relatively cheap compared to private tours or taxis.

I remember my first time visiting the Palace of Versailles; I had taken a bus tour that promised to show me the best of Paris and its surrounding areas. While the tour was enjoyable, the journey to Versailles was long and exhausting. The traffic was horrendous, and I found myself getting more and more frustrated as the minutes ticked by. By the time we arrived at the palace, I was already exhausted, and it was tough to enjoy the experience fully.

On my next visit, I decided to take the RER C train, and it was a game-changer. The journey was smoother, and I arrived at the palace feeling fresh and excited to explore. Plus, the train journey takes you through some of the beautiful suburbs of Paris, which is an added bonus.

While private tours can be tempting, they often come at a hefty price tag, and you might not get to explore the palace at your own pace. Taking the RER C train is the most cost-effective and efficient way to reach the Palace of Versailles from Paris, in my opinion.

Exploring the Palace of Versailles

When I first visited the Palace of Versailles, I was overwhelmed by its grandeur and opulence. I couldn’t wait to explore every inch of the palace and see what secrets it held. One of my personal favorite parts of the palace is the Hall of Mirrors, which is a must-visit for anyone coming to the palace. The hall is lined with mirrors on one side and large windows on the other, which offer stunning views of the palace gardens. As you walk through the hall, you can imagine the grand balls and events that took place there during the reign of Louis X

Another must-see part of the palace is the King’s State Apartments. These rooms were used for official ceremonies and are decorated with ornate furnishings and artwork. I particularly love the Royal Chapel, which is known for its stunning frescoes and gilded decorations.

If you have time, I highly recommend taking a guided tour of the palace. Not only will you learn more about the history of the palace, but you’ll also be able to access areas that aren’t open to the general public. When I took a guided tour, I was able to visit the Royal Opera House, which is a hidden gem of the palace.

Overall, visiting the Palace of Versailles is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that shouldn’t be missed. Whether you’re a history buff or just appreciate beautiful architecture, the palace is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Palace of Versailles Gardens

When it comes to the Palace of Versailles, one cannot forget the stunning gardens. The gardens cover a vast area and are divided into several sections, each with its own unique beauty. One of my favorite parts of the gardens is the Orangery, which houses a collection of citrus trees and other exotic plants. It feels like a tropical paradise in the heart of France!

Another must-see spot in the gardens is the Grand Canal, which is a massive body of water that stretches for over 1.5 kilometers. It’s a breathtaking sight and a great spot for a leisurely boat ride or a picnic on the grassy banks. Not to mention, the views of the palace from the Grand Canal are spectacular.

If you happen to visit during the summer months, be sure to catch the fountain show, which features music, water, and light displays. It’s a magical experience and a great way to cool off on a hot day.

Finally, I have to mention the Queen’s Hamlet, which is a small, rustic village on the edge of the gardens. It was built for Marie Antoinette to escape the formality of court life and to experience a simpler way of living. The hamlet is a charming and picturesque spot, and it’s easy to see why Marie Antoinette loved it so much.

Overall, the Palace of Versailles gardens are a must-visit for anyone traveling to Paris. The beauty and tranquility of the gardens make for a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of the city, and there is so much to see and explore. Be sure to bring a comfortable pair of shoes and a camera – you won’t want to miss a single moment!

Activities and Tours

When I visited the Palace of Versailles, I was overwhelmed by the number of activities and tours available. I decided to go for the audio-guided tour, which was informative and allowed me to explore at my own pace. However, one downside was that it did not provide much insight into the history of the gardens.

I later found out that there are guided tours specifically for the gardens, which would have been great to know beforehand. If you’re interested in the history and significance of the gardens, I highly recommend going for one of these tours.

Another activity that caught my eye was the boat tour on the Grand Canal. While it was a bit pricey, I heard from other visitors that it was a unique and memorable experience. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to fit it into my schedule, but it’s definitely on my list for my next visit.

Overall, I would say that the best activity or tour to choose really depends on your interests and time constraints. If you’re short on time, the audio-guided tour is a great option for getting a general overview of the Palace and its history. But if you have the time and want a more in-depth experience, a guided tour of the gardens or the boat tour on the Grand Canal would be worth considering.

Insider Tips

When I visited the Palace of Versailles, I quickly learned that it’s essential to plan ahead to make the most out of your visit. One of my best insider tips is to arrive early, as the crowds can quickly get overwhelming. I arrived right when the palace opened and had a peaceful stroll through the gardens before they filled up.

My next insider tip is to consider purchasing a skip-the-line ticket. Although it may be more expensive, it saves time and allows you to spend more time exploring the palace and gardens. I opted for this option and was able to breeze through the entrance without any hassle.

Another tip is to explore the lesser-known sections of the palace, such as the Hall of Mirrors. This section is usually crowded, but I found that exploring it early in the morning or late in the afternoon was much quieter. I also enjoyed wandering through the smaller rooms and admiring the intricate details and decorations.

Lastly, I recommend taking a break from the crowds and walking around the nearby town of Versailles. It’s a charming place with plenty of cafes, shops, and historical landmarks to explore. I took a break from the palace and spent the afternoon relaxing and exploring the town’s hidden gems.

Overall, visiting the Palace of Versailles was a highlight of my trip to Paris, and I hope these insider tips help you make the most out of your visit. Remember to plan ahead, arrive early, and explore the lesser-known sections of the palace. Oh, and don’t forget to take a break and explore the charming town of Versailles!




