Experience Authentic Sumo Training in Tokyo

Unleash Your Inner Yokozuna and Train Like a Sumo in Tokyo – by the Author


As a seasoned traveller with a passion for Japanese culture, I have always been drawn to the traditional sport of sumo wrestling. After spending some time in Japan, I became fascinated by the depth of history and significance surrounding the art of sumo. Curious to learn more, I decided to explore the world of sumo training in Tokyo and document my experiences for the blog.

In this article, I’ll be sharing my personal insights into the different sumo training centers available in Tokyo and the immersive activities and tours that I participated in. From the traditional to the modern, I had the opportunity to witness the unique training techniques and rituals that make sumo wrestling such an iconic part of Japanese culture. Join me on this journey as I indulge in my passion for sumo wrestling and offer you an unparalleled glimpse into this fascinating world.

Sumo wrestling training centers:

When I arrived in Tokyo, I was excited to explore the world of sumo wrestling up close. I had done some research beforehand and found several training centers that offered immersive and authentic experiences.

The first training center I visited was the Asakusa Beya, which is one of the oldest and most respected sumo stables in Tokyo. I was lucky enough to witness the morning practice session, where I saw the wrestlers perform their daily routine of stretches, exercises, and sparring matches. The atmosphere was intense, and I could feel the wrestlers’ dedication and discipline as they trained.

The second training center I visited was the Arashio Beya, which is known for its friendly atmosphere and welcoming nature. Here, I got to participate in a sumo demonstration and even had the chance to try on a sumo wrestler’s belt and attempt a match with one of the wrestlers. It was a humbling experience, as I realized just how difficult it is to move in a sumo wrestler’s attire.

Lastly, I visited the Kokugikan training center, which is the official venue for sumo tournaments and events. While I didn’t get to witness any live matches, I was able to take a tour of the facility and learn more about the history and cultural significance of sumo wrestling. The tour guide was incredibly knowledgeable and shared many interesting facts and stories about the sport.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my experiences at the different sumo wrestling training centers in Tokyo. Each one offered a unique perspective on the sport and allowed me to learn more about the wrestlers’ dedication and hard work. While there were pros and cons to each activity, I would highly recommend anyone interested in sumo wrestling to take the time to explore these training centers and gain a deeper appreciation for the sport.

Activities and tours:

I was excited to try out the various activities and tours that the sumo training centers had to offer. The first tour I signed up for was a visit to a sumo stable, where I got to witness the wrestlers’ daily routine up close. It was fascinating to see them practice their moves and interact with each other. However, I did feel a bit intrusive as an outsider observing their private training.

Next, I decided to participate in a sumo training session myself. It was a humbling experience as I struggled to keep up with the wrestlers’ intense regimen. I was amazed at their strength and agility, and found a newfound respect for the sport.

I also tried out a sumo-themed meal, which was a fun and unique experience. I got to try out chanko-nabe, a hearty hotpot dish that is a staple in the sumo wrestler’s diet. The meal was delicious and filling, and I felt like I was getting a taste of the sumo lifestyle.

Finally, I decided to attend a sumo tournament, which was the highlight of my trip. The atmosphere was electric as fans cheered on their favorite wrestlers. The matches were intense, and I found myself getting caught up in the excitement and drama of it all.

Overall, I had a fantastic time exploring the world of sumo wrestling in Tokyo. Each activity offered a unique perspective on the sport, and I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in Japanese culture. However, I do caution that some activities can be intrusive or physically demanding, so it’s important to choose the right one for your comfort level.

Personal Experiences:

– Sumo training session: I was given a chance to participate in a sumo training session with professional sumo wrestlers. The training was intense, and it made me realize how challenging it is to become a sumo wrestler. The wrestlers were extremely gracious and took the time to explain the various techniques and rituals associated with the sport.

– Sumo museum visit: One of the activities I participated in was a visit to the Sumo Museum in Tokyo. The museum was filled with artifacts and information about the history of sumo wrestling in Japan. I was fascinated by the intricacies of the sport and the way it has evolved over the years.

– Sumo match attendance: I also had the opportunity to attend a sumo match at the Ryogoku Kokugikan arena in Tokyo. The atmosphere was electric, and the crowd cheered wildly as the wrestlers entered the ring. It was an intense experience, and I was in awe of the skill and strength displayed by the wrestlers.

– Sumo wrestler meal: One of the most memorable experiences was a meal with a sumo wrestler. We had a traditional Japanese meal together, and he shared his experiences as a sumo wrestler, including the strict diet and training regimen. It was an eye-opening experience, and I gained a newfound appreciation for the dedication and discipline required to become a sumo wrestler.


– Overall impressions of the sumo wrestling world in Tokyo
– Recommendations for those interested in exploring the world of sumo wrestling in Japan
– Final thoughts on the significance of sumo wrestling in Japanese culture.


My overall impression of the sumo training experience in Tokyo was one of awe and admiration. I was blown away by the sheer strength, agility, and discipline of the sumo wrestlers I had the privilege of watching and meeting. I gained a newfound respect for this traditional sport and the culture it represents.

For those who are interested in participating in sumo training, I would highly recommend it. It is a unique and immersive way to learn about Japanese culture and get a challenging workout at the same time. However, I would also caution that it is not for the faint of heart. The physical demands of sumo training are intense, and the risk of injury is real.

That being said, I cannot stress enough the importance of approaching sumo training with an open mind and a willingness to learn. It is not just about learning the techniques and moves of sumo wrestling, but also about embracing the discipline, respect, and humility that are integral to this sport and its cultural significance.

In conclusion, my experience with authentic sumo training in Tokyo was one that I will never forget. It challenged me both physically and mentally, and gave me a newfound appreciation for the culture and traditions of Japan. I would encourage anyone who has the opportunity to try sumo training to seize it with both hands and embrace the challenge.

Personal Experience and Insights:

I arrived in Tokyo with the goal of experiencing authentic sumo training, and I can say with confidence that it was an unforgettable experience. The physical demands of the training were intense, but it was a great workout and I felt accomplished after each session. The sense of community among the sumo wrestlers and fellow participants was also a highlight of the experience.

One of my favorite memories was attending a sumo wrestling demonstration at a local cultural center. The atmosphere was electric, and I was impressed by the agility and skill of the wrestlers. It was a great way to learn more about the technical aspects of sumo wrestling and gain a new appreciation for the sport.

Another memorable experience was participating in a sumo-themed workout class. It was led by a former sumo wrestler who was patient and encouraging, despite my limited experience with strength training. The exercises were challenging, but I left the class feeling stronger and more confident in my abilities.

Overall, the sumo training experience in Tokyo was a unique and immersive way to learn about Japanese culture and gain a new perspective on the sport of sumo wrestling. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is up for the challenge and interested in experiencing something truly unforgettable.




