Discover the Stunning Great Ocean Road in One Day!

Take a day to explore the Great Ocean Road and a lifetime to cherish its beauty.


As a travel blogger and avid adventurer, I have had the pleasure of exploring the Great Ocean Road multiple times and I can confidently say that it is one of the most spectacular destinations in Australia. Not only does it offer breathtaking views of the Southern Ocean and stunning natural rock formations, but it’s also rich in unique experiences and attractions that make it a must-visit destination. In this article, I’ll be sharing my expert tips and suggestions on how to make the most of your one-day visit to the Great Ocean Road, including must-see attractions, unique experiences, and the best places to eat and drink. So, buckle up and get ready for an unforgettable journey along one of Australia’s most scenic coastal drives!

Planning your one-day itinerary:

As someone who has explored the Great Ocean Road multiple times, I can attest that planning your itinerary in advance is crucial to making the most out of your one-day visit. As tempting as it may be to cover as many spots as possible, it’s important to set realistic expectations and prioritize the must-see destinations.

Firstly, it’s important to decide on the mode of transportation. If you’re renting a car or driving your own, make sure you have a valid license and are comfortable driving on the left side of the road. Alternatively, there are many tour operators that offer guided tours along the Great Ocean Road.

Next, decide on the time you want to start your journey. I suggest starting early in the morning, around 6-7 am, to avoid crowds and traffic. This will also give you ample time to explore the scenic spots at a leisurely pace.

It’s important to note that the Great Ocean Road stretches for over 240 km, so it’s not possible to cover all the destinations in one day. My top recommended spots to cover are the Twelve Apostles, Loch Ard Gorge, London Arch, Gibson Steps, and The Grotto.

To make the most of your time, plan your route in advance and try to cover the spots in a logical sequence. For example, start with the Twelve Apostles, which is the furthest point from Melbourne, and make your way back.

Lastly, make sure to pack enough snacks, water, and sunscreen as the Great Ocean Road can get hot and dry. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes as you’ll be doing a fair bit of walking. And most importantly, keep your camera charged and ready to capture the stunning landscapes along the way!

Exploring the stunning scenic spots along the Great Ocean Road such as the Twelve Apostles, Loch Ard Gorge, London Arch, and more.

As a travel blogger who has explored the Great Ocean Road multiple times, I can confidently say that this stretch of coastline is truly breathtaking. The Twelve Apostles, which are majestic limestone stacks jutting out of the sea, are one of the most iconic landmarks along the Great Ocean Road. They are best viewed during sunrise or sunset when the colours in the sky provide a beautiful backdrop for these natural wonders.

Another must-see spot along the Great Ocean Road is Loch Ard Gorge. It’s a sheltered inlet with towering cliffs on either side, and a beach that looks like it’s been plucked straight out of a postcard. The story behind the name of this gorge is quite tragic – a ship called the Loch Ard was wrecked here in 1878 and only two survivors made it to the shore. The gorge is named after the ship.

If you’re interested in geological formations, then the London Arch is definitely worth a visit. It’s a natural arch formation that used to be a double arch until one of the arches collapsed in 1990. The arch is located near Port Campbell and is a great spot for photos.

Other stunning scenic spots along the Great Ocean Road include the Gibson Steps, which is a staircase that leads down to a beautiful beach; the Bay of Martyrs, which has dramatic cliffs and rock formations; and the Grotto, which is a sinkhole that’s filled with seawater and looks like a natural swimming pool.

Overall, there are so many scenic spots to explore along the Great Ocean Road, and I highly recommend taking your time to soak in the beauty of this stunning coastline.

Unique experiences to try on the Great Ocean Road – such as scenic helicopter flights, beach walks, lighthouse tours, and wildlife encounters.

As a travel blogger who has explored the Great Ocean Road many times, I have had the opportunity to try some unique experiences that are not to be missed. Firstly, I highly recommend taking a scenic helicopter flight over the Twelve Apostles. The view from above is simply breathtaking and provides a perspective that you cannot get from the ground.

Another must-try experience is taking a beach walk along the Great Ocean Road. My personal favorite is the Gibson Steps beach walk, which takes you down to the beach and offers spectacular views of the Twelve Apostles. It’s a bit of a workout, but the scenery is well worth the effort.

If you’re interested in lighthouses, then a tour of the Cape Otway Lighthouse is a must. This lighthouse has been in operation since 1848 and offers a fascinating insight into the history of the area. You can also climb to the top for panoramic views of the coast.

For wildlife encounters, I highly recommend visiting the Great Ocean Road Wildlife Park. Here you can get up close and personal with koalas, kangaroos, and other native animals. It’s a great way to learn more about Australia’s unique wildlife and get some unforgettable photos.

Overall, there are plenty of unique experiences to try on the Great Ocean Road, and I highly recommend taking advantage of them. Whether you’re looking for adventure, relaxation, or education, there is something for everyone on this iconic road trip.




